Confidence Self Discipline & Motivation
Holiday Activities

Our holiday classes are fast paced and exciting gymnastics classes perfect for all children from complete beginners to advanced athletes. Please ensure children come with their own water bottle and are wearing suitable attire (close fitting shorts and t-shirt/leotard).  All classes take place at Bulmershe Gymnastics Club, off Grays Crescent, Woodley, Reading.


CLASSES ARE OPEN TO MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS ~ No gymnastics experience required!

Day and Time Age GroupClass Cost per child

Tuesday 18th February


5 years and underPre-school drop in and free play£6.50

Tuesday 18th February


5 years +Recreational drop in and free play£20.00

Thursday 20th February


5 years and underPre-school drop in and free play£6.50

Thursday 20th February


5 years +Recreational drop in and free play£20.00


(if your child is on the club waiting list please follow these club member’s instructions)

  1. Log on to your online member’s page – click here.
    If you are logging in to the account for the first time, you will need to create a password using “Click Here to Create a Password” and follow the on-screen instructions. If you have logged in to your online account before but have forgotten your password, click on the ‘Forgot password’ link and follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. Once logged in at the top of the page click on Events to go to the booking site
  3. Click More and select the class you want.
  4. Click Next to complete your application form
  5. Click Next and you will be taken to the payment page
  6. Pay securely online, you will need your bank details
  7. You will then receive a confirmation of your place by email


  1. Go to the booking site – click here
  2. Click More and select the class you want.
  3. Click Next to fill in your application form.
  4. Click Next and you will then be taken to the payment page
  5. Pay securely online, you will need your bank details
  6. You will then receive a confirmation of your place by email